
Friday, May 14, 2010

Wrap Up on a Friday

Well gang, it's been a bit since we last got together for our wrap up and I apologize for that. Since we're here though, we may as well wake up over a cup of coffee and some wrap up!

We purchased a bike last weekend for me. My old one was a hand-me-down and much heavier a frame than I liked. After many hours of searching, we finally landed in The Sports Authority at which time we discovered a sale... and I do love me some sale! Suddenly, there it was. We initially bypassed the bike that would be mine, due to it looking so dang small. But, after checking out a number of other bikes we discovered that it was pretty much perfect!

The newly acquired bike (read: instrument of torturous fun) has been used a couple of times now. I have the following thoughts on it.

  • I never knew my backside could hurt this badly. Not in the I've worked those muscles sort of way... more in the sitting on the small hard seat sort of way.
  • Things are NOT just like riding a can forget certain things. i.e. the front brakes idiom... or how to change gears/what said gears are.
  • Going down big hills is not as fun at almost 30 as it was at 12.
  • Mike and I are going to have so much fun with the bikes it's kind of ridiculous. Summer, here we come!
Regardless of the fact that I am woefully out of shape, or that my knee truly hates this bicycle I have purchased. . . I'm having tons of fun. I love it. We're hitting the slough trail this weekend for something a little less hill-intensive and a fairly long ride. Ibuprofen and an ice pack will be awaiting the knee at the other side.

In other news, I've joined up with many other women at work in a "Biggest Loser" competition. Certainly there will be a prize for losing the most at the end of the competition... but it's more about supporting each other, while working in an office environment.

See you next time gang!